3 Best Way To Identify Fake Facebook Account Easily
Facebook is the most popular social networking.The popularity of
Facebook has increases day by day.Today's world Facebook has become very important part of our life.It is free and one of the best medium for communication.Facebook is best for finding old friend and relatives.Facebook is the best medium to share our feeling and thoughts to other.Now a days,many people created fake account. Probably 30-40% of total Facebook accounts are fake.So,In this article we will discuss some Tricks which helps to identify Facebook Fake Account easily.Now,This steps.
4 Ways To Identify Facebook Fake Account:-
1.Profile Picture,
If the Facebook profile has less then 2-3 of his/her photo,then probably it is an fake Account.Most of fake account has a single profile picture.
2.Girls Profile Picture,
Most of the fake profile are created with an girls identify and with a beautiful face as profile picture.You may even find phone number,Girls are hardly share their contact number in public.A girls profile with lots of Friends and Followers indicates Fake profile.
3.Check The Friend List,
Check out the friend list of the user.If a Fake Facebook account has many mutual friend with you,there is chance that the Fake account is created by one of your friend who is trying to have some fun.
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